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    • Àü±¹ ´ëü·Î ¸¼°í ¹Ù¶÷ ´Ù¼Ò °­ÇØ¡¦³· ÃÖ°í 14~21µµ ºÐÆ÷ [»õâ]
      ¿À´ÃÀº Àü±¹ÀÌ ´ëü·Î ¸¼Àº °¡¿îµ¥ ¹Ù¶÷ÀÌ ´Ù¼Ò °­ÇÏ°Ô ºÎ´Â ³¯¾¾°¡ À̾îÁö°Ú´Ù.   26ÀÏ ±â»óû ¿¹º¸¿¡ µû¸£¸é ¿À´Ã ³· ÃÖ°í±â¿ÂÀº 14µµ¿¡¼­ 21µµÀÇ ºÐÆ÷¸¦ º¸ÀÌ°Ú´Ù. °­¿ø µ¿ÇؾȰú °æ»ó³²ºÏµµ´Â ¾îÁ¦º¸´Ù Á¶±Ý ³ô°ÚÀ¸³ª, ±× ¹ÛÀÇ Áö¹æÀº ¾îÁ¦¿Í ºñ½ÁÇϰųª Á¶±Ý ³·À» Àü¸ÁÀÌ´Ù.   °­¿ø ¿µ¼­Áö¹æ¡¦
      2012-04-26 09:24:22   °í¼­·É
    • [³¯¾¾ ºê¸®ÇÎ]½Ä¸ñÀÏ, Àü±¹ ´ëü·Î ¸¼¾Æ ¾ß¿ÜÈ°µ¿ ÁöÀå '¹«' [»õâ]
      ½Ä¸ñÀÏÀÎ ¿À´ÃÀº Àü±¹ÀÌ ´ëü·Î ¸¼Àº °¡¿îµ¥ Æò³â ±â¿ÂÀ» ¾à°£ ¹Øµµ´Â ½Ò½ÒÇÑ ³¯¾¾°¡ À̾îÁö°Ú´Ù.   5ÀÏ ±â»óû ¿¹º¸¿¡ µû¸£¸é °æ±â µ¿ºÎ¿Í °­¿ø ³»·úÁö¹æ¿¡´Â ³·ºÎÅÍ »ê¹ßÀûÀ¸·Î ºø¹æ¿ïÀÌ ¶³¾îÁö´Â °÷ÀÌ ÀÖ°Ú´Ù. ¿ì»êÀÌ ÇÊ¿ä ¾øÀ» Á¤µµ¿©¼­ ¾ß¿Ü È°µ¿¿¡ ÁöÀåÀº ¾ø°Ú´Ù.   ¾Æħ ±â¿ÂÀº ¼­¿ï 3µµ, ¡¦
      2012-04-05 12:08:09   °í¼­·É
    • A Wide Temp Difference, Warmth with Highs in 50¡¯s [»õâ]
      [Weather Today Korea] We've had cold temperatures drop to 20's in most inland area this morning.   However, we'll see warmth with temperatures climbing up to 50's during daytime.   There is a great temperature difference between day and night today, so pl¡¦
      2012-03-15 09:27:24   °í¼­·É
    • Warmth Starts from Today with a High 44 F in Seoul [»õâ]
      [Weather Today Korea] We've had quite cold weather last 2 days, but the coldness will be slowly abating from today.   We saw cold temperature only topping out upper 20's in most area this morning.   However, the afternoon temperatures will be 3.6 to 7.4 higher than ¡¦
      2012-03-13 09:31:44   °í¼­·É
    • Frigid Morning, Rain and Snow in East Area [»õâ]
        [Weather Today Korea] We're continuing frigid morning these days, with temperatures topping out in the upper 20's to low 30's in Central and Southern Inland area.   We'll have a wide daily temperature difference, with a morning low 30 and a afternoon high¡¦
      2012-03-09 09:08:08   °í¼­·É
    • A Wide Daily Temp Range and Strong Cold Winds [»õâ]
      We'll see wintry weather in the morning and spring weather during daytime today.   Morning low was 28.4 in Seoul and afternoon high will be climbing up to 44.6, which is making a wide daily temperature range, so please wear thick clothes and be careful not to catch a cold. &n¡¦
      2012-03-08 08:54:29   °í¼­·É
    • Scatterd Rain Under Nationwide Cloudy Skies [»õâ]
      [Weather Today Korea] We've started morning with scattered rain under the nationwide cloudy skies. Don't forget to take a small umbrella with you today.   Morning temperature was quite chilly with a low 36 in Seoul.   Temperatures won't climb up much during day¡¦
      2012-03-06 09:27:26   °í¼­·É
    • Warm During Daytime, with Highs Reaching upper 40's F [»õâ]
      [Weather Today Korea] The cold spell is slowly abating. Today we'll get 3~7 F warmer than yesterday, with afternoon highs climbing up to upper 40's in most area.   We felt a little bit cold weather this morning but we'll see warm temps during daytime today. Afternoon high¡¦
      2012-02-28 09:59:21   °í¼­·É
    • Clouds Building With Chances of Light Rain or Snow [»õâ]
        ¡ã Fog and Flowers / flickr   [Weather Today Korea] Inland areas will see patches of low clouds and fog today, especially mountainous area of Gangwon will have deep fog.   Temperatures will be warm during daytime again today.   Morning low was 33.8 in¡¦
      2012-02-24 10:29:33   °í¼­·É
    • Mostly Cloudy, Warm Temperatures with a High 45 F [»õâ]
      [Weather Today Korea] We'll have a day above average with temperatures above average, with temperatures reaching 46 in Seoul 54 in Busan during daytime.  However, do not forget this is still winter and be careful not to catch a cold.   Skies are mostly cloudy across the co¡¦
      2012-02-23 09:31:24   °í¼­·É

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